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Analysis and audit of the system or application

Analyze means identifying the essential properties of individual parts of the whole system. Complicated? We know. However, with us, analysis and audit means improving processes, saving costs, time or detecting problems. Use it to grow your business.

System speed measurement without penalties

A speed audit will help identify website, e-shop, or application bottlenecks. Thanks to it, we can suggest steps that will solve found problems. This will increase the speed of pages, e-shops or applications. Our experience with optimizing for Google based on Google PageSpeed metrics for SmartBase® E-commerce helps us improve our search engine rankings caused by poor performance.

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It's about websites and E-commerce projects, it's about everything
Performance and page load speed are one of the most important parameters for publicly accessible pages indexed by Google.

The fast page not only has a positive effect on the customer and brings him a better experience, but it also becomes an important metric for search engine position.

Lower traffic, high bounce rates, slow page load, these are all factors that can discourage a customer from making an online purchase or other conversion.

Applicable to web applications
Do you know why the speed of non-public applications is important?

Because if internal applications or B2B zones are slow, business processes are prolonged, which increases your costs or the costs for your customers. By optimizing the applications, processes or automation, it is possible not only to bring a better user experience, but also to reduce the error rate or the complexity of manual work.

Analyze, specify, divide

The analysis of a new project will help to identify important contexts essential for the development of the application, which initially may not be obvious. It consists of the following steps:

  • Initial collection of business requirements
    definition of project requirements and objectives to be achieved.
  • Requirements specification
    in-depth analysis of requirements from a business and technical point of view, subsequent architecture of the resulting system, technical analysis of the used technologies and procedures.
  • Architecture and technical analysis
    the arrangement of the individual components of the application and the way in which they communicate with each other, followed by a walk-through more specific implementation details. As part of the technical analysis, data requirements from third-party systems are defined. The architecture of import and export of data to possible external systems will also be defined here. The output is a formalized document, which together with the project plan can be used to execute the project at any supplier of information systems.
  • Project plan
    determining the time frame of the project duration if the assumptions defined by the analysis are met.
Are you going to deploy? Test first
Do you want to avoid problems that may arise when deploying a new system?

We can verify the standards of a running project, even if we did not develop it. Before launching a new website, e-shop or service, we test the correct settings of the systems and their resistance to the load it could experience during operation.

We will also test a list of key points for launching a website into a public space and the success of a possible migration if you are replacing one system with another.

Expert opinion on your software
We will use an expert opinion to help us evaluate the formal value of your software created by another vendor in the hours worked.

Technical value of the project, t. j. the time spent on such a project gives you an idea of how difficult replicability is for the competition, resp. what value your software achieves.
The expert opinion does not deal with the business value of the work and the validation of the business case which can software allow.

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Would you like to analyze your project? We are experts in the field
We will prepare an audit or analysis of the system or its components and identify weak points, where we will propose solutions to eliminate them. You decide what to do with the analysis.